Sunday, March 29, 2009

The LONG day!

I am disgustingly gross and stinky, my back hurts, and I am EXHAUSTED!!! What a GREAT day!!! We started out this morning and went to the Dagupan prison, where I had been last year. This year was quite different from the moment that we walked in because they thoroughly searched our things and then gave us just as thorough a pat down. When we got to the common area, which serves as our chapel, there were probably only 1/3 or 1/4 of the people normally there. We then found out that they were on "red alert". They had a serious threat that someone would be trying to break in to harm one of the prisoners who is scheduled to testify against a famous criminal this coming week. The whole place was creepy today but still four men became Christians!

Next we were off to the San Carlos jail, about 1/2 an hour from Dagupan jail. This jail was much more friendly to us and we had about 40 attend and another 5 baptized but, boy, was it getting hot! By the time we left there it was about 11 and we went for lunch at Chow King :^) and I went and got a watch! I have been SO lost since we have been here regarding the time! Some times I couldn't even guess within 3 hours of the correct time! We then decided that we needed to wait to go to our fourth stop so we would be on time for the Campus CoC Friend Day. We got there about 1 1/2 hours early but about 50 kids were already there waiting!!! By the time it was over we had at least 110 kids and it was 102 degrees F and we had, had our class for THREE hours! I once looked down and my pink shirt was a darker color pink (from sweat) except for the outline of my undergarment!! Gross, I know! We sang, learned about Moses, colored, and played Bible trivia. You also need to know that we did all this without a break because we didn't have funds for snacks and drinks and he campus isn't equipped with public bathrooms! This video is of their favorite song to sing (or maybe mine!), I can't tell you the name because it's a Tagaolg! The jist of the song is My, head, I will use my head to serve God, then insert shoulders, then hips, then knees, and then ankles where head is. The verse that is on video is the last one where you combine all of the things. I will try to video the entire song and put a link to it on You Tube.

Last we went to San Fabien, which is where I went the other day and we taught in the same goat field. These kids are just SO poor! I just can't describe how poor but how enthusiastic the kids are! There was also one lady baptized here, I will try to post her picture later, she is only about MAYBE four feet tall and she is 23! By the time we left there we were stinky, gross, and exhaused but STARVING! We hadn't eaten in seven hours and had worked our tails off! So, PaPa took us all to Chow King AGAIN! What a great end to a great day! It is now 14 hours since we left this morning and I have to wash the stink off me and try to make it to the bed before falling asleep!

Sometimes I begrudge the fact that I am SO tired when we get in because it leaves me so little time and I have to leave so much out! I hope all of you have a great week and remember us in our last week here! Magiboo talks about the Walkers! Jesus Loves Me- Filipino style!