I stole this picture from Michelle's blog from when they went to the zoo. (In case you missed it, that's Louise and a STORK! Come on, HOW GREAT is that?????)
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
picture of the day!
Posted by LaurieR at 11:35 AM 1 comments
Thursday, February 18, 2010
One of those days...
...ever had one? You know, where every slow drive gets in front of you and you seriously consider the literal cost of just ramming their car with yours? Or where you just want to comment on every single person's status that reads (something like) "I just love my wonderful life, my wonderful kids, my wonderful husband...even my poop is wonderful, everything is just perfect!!!", and say, "Really? No one's buying it and you sound like you are just trying to convince yourself and it really annoys the rest of us to have to read your stupid status everyday." OR (along the same lines) want to just delete those who's statuses make you want to slit your wrist everyday or think that they are thinking about it everyday! Or you try to catch up on your tivo a little and the stupidity of The Bachelor (which is OBVIOUSLY NOT new to this episode) makes you want to throw your shoe at the TV? OK, maybe you haven't exactly but you know! So, in honor of this and because I am having a major pity party for myself today, I am going to list some of the things I am perturbed about and counter it with things I am happy about. For my own mental health. Read on if you'd like but PLEASE save your "it could be worse" comments. I OBVIOUSLY know this.
1. I hate this city. I was going to list all of the things I hate about it but it is much easier to just list the things I love and DON'T hate about it. I love Faulkner, University CoC, the fact that three of my cousins live close, and that I get to see my sisters everyday!
2. I hate this weather. There is NOTHING I like about cold weather. It makes my hair bad, skin bad, makes my shoulder and knee hurt almost constantly, I STAY cold, and I stay in layers so I feel free to eat all I want and gain weight. Plus, this year God decided, evidently, to REALLY mess with all the "global warming" people out there and has added in snow, which is a 911 dispatchers NIGHTMARE!
3. We are in a book club with the church and are currently reading Francine River's Redeeming Love and I have always heard how wonderful it is and I think it's awful! I mean, I get the story and all but real life is horrible, WHY would I want to spend my very precious free time reading about more horrible? Maybe it's because I see the crappy side of the world a lot more than most people because of work but I want to read happy stories where people fall in love, endure through hard time and come out better people, and that END HAPPY!
4. The Bachelor. I know, I have total control over recording and watching this stupid show but it always brings me back in like the proverbial "bad wreck on the side of the road" I just CAN'T believe that there are women who are SO INCREDIBLY STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Actually, I guess the thing that really bothers me, is that I DO BELIEVE IT and it irritates me SO MUCH!!!!! Stupid, stupid, stupid! I WOULD LOVE to be a contestant on this show and him try to pull some of this stuff over on me OR have FIVE MINUTES with these girls to talk some sense in to them!!!!
5. I know I have harped on this too much and I do believe that God has a plan for keeping me here even over my persistent prayers other wise but, I HATE MY JOB!!!!!! I distinctly remember saying that I loved my job (LONG ago!) but, for the life of me, I CANNOT remember WHY I would have said such a thing!!!! I hate the STUPID callers (which IS 90% of them) about their STUPID (NOT 911 WORTHY) problems (that they usually have brought on themselves!) I despise some of my bosses, I think the entire place is run like crap and that Braden (who is one month old) could make better decisions and run the place better! I hate the uniforms and I feel like hate isn't a strong enough word for how I feel about working night shift. I hate how it makes me feel, hate how it makes me look, and I HATE missing out on SO much! I even HATE the uniforms!!!!
OK, now things I am happy about:
1. I AM GOING TO BE AN AUNT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NOTHING BAD can compare to the happiness THIS brings me!!!!!!!
2. I am SO grateful to have A job with good insurance and able to pay all of my bills every single month!
3. I got to go to my first ever Lady Vols game at Thompson-Boling arena in Knoxville!!!! It was definitely something that was on my "bucket list" and it was SO FUN!!!! I have yet to visit Knoxville when I wouldn't describe it as one of the best times of my life!
4. I love my Faulkner football family! I love the coaches, players, and Ashley! They ALWAYS make me feel better, no matter how crummy my night was! And, they can always be counted on to MAKE ME LAUGH!
5. I love that I was raised to have a real relationship with God! I ALWAYS feel like He is REALLY with me, I often find myself talking to Him like He is sitting beside me! Because of this, I know that of all the crummy feelings and bad days I have and will have in the future, the one thing I don't ever have to contend with is loneliness. I am SO grateful for this!
Hope you all are having a better day than I am and, don't worry, I am going to bed soon and will wake up in a better mood!
Posted by LaurieR at 9:49 AM 7 comments
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Tales from the single side....Part 2
I think I am going to title this second installment, "Things NOT to Say to Single People (that have actually been said to me!!!!)
1. "You need to move to where all the good, single, Christian men are!" (Is there a range somewhere that I can sit up in a tree stand of sorts and shoot them down as they run by????? And if there is, would I want to pick up my entire life to up and move there just to do that????)
2. (A conversation someone was having with me and my sister) Leigh: "I love him! He is only 31, I don't think that is too old for me." Person X: "You have to wonder about someone though that is 30 and not married. I mean, what is wrong with them that they aren't married already if they are that wonderful?" Me: "Really??"
3. "How is it that someone like you are still single?"
4. And along the same lines, "WHY are you STILL single?"
5. (talking about a guy that I have made the point that I am not interested in) "Can you really afford to be that picky anymore?"
6. (at my little sister's wedding) "You better hurry up or both of your younger sisters will be married and you won't be. You don't want that do you?" (dead serious)
7. "Isn't it time to start compromising?"
8. "You do like boys, don't you?"
9. "Maybe you should think more about the way you dress and do something with your hair and make-up. That would help."
10. And my personal favorite: "Isn't your biological clock starting to tick pretty loudly? You know women have a lot of problems getting pregnant after thirty."
Do you really need any commentary from me on this?
Posted by LaurieR at 8:15 PM 3 comments
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
The Start of Another Generation!!!

Posted by LaurieR at 8:22 AM 9 comments