Our friends the Anderson's from Lexington!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
What a 36 hours!
Posted by LaurieR at 10:43 PM 2 comments
Monday, May 24, 2010
Prayer Requests
We were all so excited and Janet was shocked! She could barely breathe!!! I told her she better not pass out! :) She didn't know what to say! We told her she didn't have to say anything!
Then Janet called Chuck and Rachel and they were both so excited! I don't know that either of them had words either!
Here's Laurie and Janet...soon to be blood relatives!!! :)
And here's Janet's flowers.
Posted by LaurieR at 10:58 AM 11 comments
Friday, May 21, 2010
Tales From the Single Side...
...things I wish I had known fifteen years ago about dating.
So, I read this article titled 'Things I wish I'd Known About Dating When I was 21' and it inspired THIS blog :^)
The following are things that I wish I knew or TRULY UNDERSTOOD back then:
1. Talk is SO VERY CHEAP! Even when masked by what may be real emotions, it is just TOO easy and cheap! Don't believe ANYTHING someone SAYS, make them PROVE IT with ACTON'S! In fact, date a mute ;^)
2. Pay less attention to the "feeling" they give you and more attention to how often they make you laugh.
4. Try, try again SHOULD NOT apply to a dating relationship! If it didn't work the second time IT'S PROBABLY NOT GOING TO WORK the 15th time! Just sayin...
5. It really shouldn't be that hard. Marriage is hard, the first six months of your relationship should be bliss!
6. LISTEN to your family and friends! They aren't blinded by "love", they see only reality. YOU NEED a little reality.
7. You CAN'T go slow enough. Physically, emotionally, in any way TAKE YOUR TIME! The slower THE BETTER!
8. If you're not sure if the guy you like likes you, KEEP IT MOVING! Let him come back when he's sure or move on to someone who IS DEFINITELY SURE they like you!
9. Guys love to talk about marriage. Until you have a ring on your finger, DON'T talk back about it. In fact, play deaf!
10. It is ok to be picky. Just because there doesn't appear to be anything wrong with him, but you just don't feel "it", that is ok. On the other end of the spectrum, DON'T put up with a bunch of garbage because you don't want to be "too picky".
The most important thing that I would tell, would be to truly keep your priorities. Instead of going for those "look at what a great Christian I am" guys, look for the ones that show a true Christian spirit. I'd probably tell to RELAX too!
Posted by LaurieR at 10:33 AM 3 comments
For those that misunderstood...
...my last blog, let me clarify some things.
1. IF MY BLOG IS ABOUT YOU, I WILL NAME YOU. I am not so petty that if I wanted to talk about someone I would NOT talk ABOUT them WITHOUT NAMING THEM ON MY BLOG. Thank you all who responded SO VERY MUCH for thinking that I am actually that petty.
2. I am very, very sorry to disappoint you all who thought that I had a perfect life and never was upset and had only 100% happiness in my life. I know, it's very shocking and I, too, and disappointed by that fact. However, I accepted the fact that my life wasn't perfect when I was about 3 1/2. Find some joy though in the fact that I am one of the happiest people I know! OF COURSE I have moments where I wish I had a boyfriend, or times when I wish I was married, or even times when I think I would love to have a kid! I ALSO wish I already had my Master's, had a fabulous job, an awesome closet with an unbelievable wardrobe in it, that are in my dream house with a beautiful, sparkling pool out back, all within walking distance of all of my family!! Truth be told, I wish for the latter A LOT more than I have the moments of loneliness! Some of you may not understand, having completely perfect lives and not wishing for anything better. However, IT'S NOT THAT BAD! In fact, a lot of you have wonderful lives and I don't want you to take offense to this, but I DO NOT want to trade lives with any of you! Maybe Kelly Ripa, but not you ;^)
3. I am going to use my aunt as an example for this point, because I know she won't mind. My Aunt has a gorgeous house in a perfect little neighborhood, an awesome car, a loving Christian husband, lives near her parents and sister, gets regular mani/pedi's, has a housekeeper, and only works part time (for her husband!), she keeps QVC in business, has the most unbelievable pool in her backyard, and her daughter is THE prettiest little thing and is always the best dressed kid in the room! Would you believe that she sometimes calls me and complains to ME (who works TWO jobs AND goes to school FULL TIME and definitely lives paycheck to paycheck) about being busy and tired and stressed out! You know what I do? I listen and I EMPATHIZE. The definition of empathize? The action of understanding, being aware of, being sensitive to, and vicariously experiencing the feelings, thoughts, and experience of another of either the past or present without having the feelings, thoughts, and experience fully communicated in an objectively explicit manner. What that means is, I HAVE NO IDEA what it is like to live her life. With all the other great things she has, she also has the responsibility of taking care of a special needs child everyday. I have no idea what that is like. SO, I empathize. Please, feel free to correct me if I am wrong but, none of you reading this are single and can't remember the last second date you went on, can't even remember the last time you had as much as a CRUSH on anyone. None of you also, have NO IDEA what house, what city, or what state you will live in, in a year. Of course, none of you have no idea where you will be working, if you will still be in school, or even where you will be attending church services at this time next year. ALL OF THOSE THINGS. I qualify for all of those things. And as much as love all of you who were concerned enough and loved me enough to offer your criticism over my last very honest, very brave blog and got upset over it, I hope THIS blog has cleared up some things for you. If not, how about you don't read my blog and we go on loving each other and you just don't know some things and we are all happier that way.
As sarcastic and harsh as this may have sounded, I PROMISE it's not. I KNOW AND APPRECIATE how loved and blessed I am!!! But, I do believe that it needed to be said without my emotions and without my lack of speaking abilities getting in the way. Thanks for hanging on this long and I promise my next blog will be more upbeat :^)
Posted by LaurieR at 9:44 AM 2 comments
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
(Tales From the Single Side) The Worst Part...
You know, there are a lot of things I love about being single. I'm not kidding, I think about them all the time. I love having my own time, not having to share my bed, deciding what to with my own money without having to consult with anyone else, I love not having kids nagging me and throwing up on me all the time, I really could go on and on. That's not the point though. The point of this blog, is what I don't think about very often and that is the worst part of being single. The worst part is not having anybody there. I don't mean that to make you feel sorry for me or tell me how many people I have there for me. You shouldn't feel sorry for me because I, honestly, prefer my life to 99.9% of other people's that I know much about. And, of course, I know how blessed I am with the friends and family that I have. The truth is though that I don't have "a person". I have sisters who have significant others, parents who have each other, and the best friends and aunts and grandparents who all have significant others. It was different when Leigh and Lisa were single too. They were my "people", you know the person you immediately think of when something bad happens, something good happens, or if you have a question about something. It's a two way street, someone who is married or in a relationship can't be a single persons "person", everybody only gets one "person" The thing is, is that I don't have many really exciting or disappointing times right now and I rarely question things. I think this is hitting hard because I don't know ANYTHING about my immediate future right now and it is driving me CRAZY!!!!!!!!!!!!! My EVERY WAKING MOMENT is being filled with thoughts about what am I going to do??? What am I going to do about my job? Where am I going to live?? WHAT do I want to do?? And ON and ON!!! So....blog world, you became my "person" for me to unload a little today. Thanks! :)
Posted by LaurieR at 11:07 AM 1 comments
Monday, May 10, 2010
(Tales From the Single Side) I love....
Faulkner football
football time in Tennessee!!!
baby clothes
motorcycle riding
March madness
Braves games
blasting the radio with the windows down and sunroof back!
heated leather seats!
eating at the Cheesecake factory
well, eating period
live music
going to the Sheakspere festival
Thanksgiving and Christmas
having a tan
To answer the question that I field AT LEAST once a day, I will get married when I find someone that I love more than these things!
Posted by LaurieR at 11:18 PM 1 comments
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Mother's Day
Funny "Single Side" story first...
I told all the mothers I came in contact with this morning at church servcice. FOUR people told me, "Thanks. I wish I could say the same to you!" I kid you not! The first one I thought was kind of weird but FOUR different people, REALLY? Geez! People really think that they can say anything to single people. It was humorous the first time, the fourth time I was looking around to see if someone was punking me, trying to get my reaction!
I wish I didn't have one billion things to do today and could have gone to Chattanooga to see mom or at least had the time to write a super good blog about her but, I do. I didn't want to let the day pass without telling you all how blessed I am. I love that lady more than life itself and try not to let a day go by to thank God for letting her still be here with us! Mom, I love you and appreciate you everyday but just wanted to share it with the world today!
Posted by LaurieR at 3:09 PM 1 comments