Sunday, January 25, 2009
Officer Down
Posted by LaurieR at 6:22 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
It's OK.... be single.
It is a reoccurring theme that I have to assure people of (regarding myself) all the time and this weekend it was also the "theme" of my lessons to a couple hundred high school girls. Each year Faulkner hosts 'Jewels', which is a high school girls retreat. I was one of five speakers this year and had to speak four times on Saturday. My (obviously assigned) lesson title was "Mister Right...Not Right Now: God's Timing", basically...God's timing with His gift of LOVE...
Now, I have taught a few Bible classes to this age, especially at camp during the summers but always in smaller groups and more interactive settings. But standing up in front of four different groups of high school age girls is slightly intimidating, to say the least. I think it went ok but this is just a tough topic. Believe me, I know that it is NOT taught in the church of Christ that it is OK to be a single woman. I could just see them sitting there looking at me like, "Well, good for you but no thank you. I DO NOT want to be 28 and single." Like there is no worse thing in the world. I have had to fight it the past 8 or so years from not only younger girls but older women too!
Great example.....
As most of you know I went home to Valdosta two weeks ago. While I was there a woman I have known almost my whole life said to another family friend, "That Laurie is such a pretty girl, it's just too bad she's not married." Like I WAS pretty with the exception of that big, nasty wart of singleness right in the middle of my face! :^) I KNOW this is not how she meant it (because I KNOW her and know she just thinks marriage is better than any alternative) but I get stuff like this ALL the time. Seriously, one day I am going to have the time to just sit down and blog on quotes of STUPID things people say to me all time!
Anyways, I digress..... The thing I wanted to get across to these girls is just the opposite of what I have always gotten from everyone (VERY IMPORTANT SIDE NOTE: when I use "always" and "everyone" I mean 'everyone' BUT my immediate family and Walker side of non immediate). It was a tough sell but I think I got through to a couple, because they came up to me and told me so :)
It was fun and I am glad that I got the opportunity to do it. I was sad though that it kept me from going home for Homecoming and seeing the last of the Walker cousins who will be graduating from GCS. It's kind of a sad day for the Walkers, who have, to say the least, a very long history there. Congratulations to Sam though, who looked BEAUTIFUL!
Last thing and off subject, please continue to remember Officer Broadway from MPD who is still in critical condition after his accident last week, while on duty. Please remember him, his doctors, his family and friends, and his "brothers and sisters" who are all struggling eight now. Thanks for your prayers and inquiries about him.
Posted by LaurieR at 9:13 AM 8 comments
Friday, January 16, 2009
Prayer Request
Please, please say a special prayer today (and keep in your prayers) the 21 year old Montgomery Police Officer who was critically wounded last night. He is only 21 years old and is at Jackson Hospital fighting for his life as we speak. It does not look good for him at all but I believe in and know first hand the power of prayer! Although I have never met him personally, he is a part of my family. It's a very weird thing, working in Public Safety. These guys get on my ever loving nerves a lot of nights and goodness knows I have gone toe to toe with more than my fair share of firemen and police officers but I have EXTREME respect for these guys and I know how much crap they go through just to protect the public who is, at the very least, not very thankful. This kid has a family and fiance' and 1,000 "brothers and sisters" who NEED your prayers today just as much as him and his doctors.
Posted by LaurieR at 8:24 AM 2 comments
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Wait for it...Wait for it....HAPPY BIRTHDAY WEEZE!
Posted by LaurieR at 12:32 PM 5 comments
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
Funny video!
Kayden and Amelia showing off their cheerleading moves, much to their basketball loving Mom's and La's chagrin! But HOW CUTE and FUNNY were they?!?!?
Posted by LaurieR at 10:57 AM 5 comments
better late than never.....HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESS!!!
Sunday was Jessica's 8th birthday and I just CAN NOT believe it! I remember the day she was born like it was literally yesterday! For anyone who doesn't know, Jess was born to the aunt who very practically raised me! I can't imagine being any more excited for a baby to come into this world than I was Jess! So, as I blame Amy every time a birthday comes around, here are 8 things you should know about Jessica Ann!
1. Before Jessica was born the doctors were pretty sure she did not have Down Syndrome. When she was born and did, her parents NEVER missed a step! They did things JUST as well as anyone who had had months to prepare!
2. She LOVES (that is the understatement of the post!) to swim and is REALLY good! The kid is like a FISH!!! I'm pretty sure that she would NEVER get out if Gin gave her any choice!
3. People always told me how happy and sweet down syndrome kids are and she definitely is! Her laugh could make anyone feel better! (she also has quite a stubborn streak....Uncle Kenny told me though that that had little to do with Down Syndrome and a lot to do with her linage! :^)
4. She participates in Special Olympic bowling!
5. She has the longest, skinniest arms and legs I have ever seen!
6. She spent the first week of her life in the hospital in Augusta.
7. Although she doesn't speak she communicates VERY well! Let's just say you know when she's happy and having fun and you definitely know when she isn't and doesn't!
8. She is the light of our lives. I can't imagine one child bringing anymore happiness into a families lives than Jess has brought into ours!
Posted by LaurieR at 10:39 AM 3 comments
Christmas in Valdosta
Posted by LaurieR at 9:48 AM 3 comments
Thursday, January 1, 2009
1st prayer request of 2009

Posted by LaurieR at 7:36 AM 4 comments