Tonight me, Kristen, and Barry went to the Biscuits game. I was so excited because I had taken the night off (night sleep!!!!) AND it was fireworks night! I REALLY love fireworks and was extra excited because it was Military Appreciation Night. Our section had to race the section next to us by passing a huge Alaga syrup down the entire section. We won and all of us got these tiny bottles of syrup. As you can tell, Barry and Kristen were REALLY excited to get theirs! I wish that I had pictures of the people sitting in front and behind us....wow. :^) It was a super fun night and I am just loving having Kristen here! Next post will probably be from our family reunion....I'm SO EXCITED!
Glad yall had fun!! the pics are too cute and I love the little bottles of syrup!! :)
And I absolutely LOVE haivng Kristen here too!! :)
I love that you got someone sitting behind you to take ya'lls picture like that!! :) So funny!
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