Let me just start by saying, I LOVED VBS as a kid. I had one of those great mom's who took us to every VBS within a 60 mile radius and it makes up some of by best memories as a kid. Now, I had to preface with that so I didn't sound like such a butt when I said I HATE VBS as an adult (and I use that term lightly!) Look, I actually think all sane adult humans do, there are just a very few who are brave enough to admit it out loud. I always am involved only because I want these kids to have the same good memories that I have and I know that for me to have those memories there were a lot of adults who had to endure through volunteering at VBS so I choose to also. I love the idea of VBS. But me, Louise, and Leigh along with only five other adults were responsible for all THIRTY-TWO 1ST AND 2ND GRADERS! What can I say, there are only a very few "bad apples" but it's like the fighting in Vietnam was, they all look alike so it's hard to tell which ones are the enemies! Actually, there were some pretty fun times and the whole show was UNBELIEVABLE! The teachers that taught the class and decorated everything were amazing! however, I am glad it's over :^) The older kids getting ready for the last night!
The time has come.....
1 year ago
I am teaching 2&3s at ours.....
You should have told the girl in the blue shirt in the first picture to get out of your way!
We just had VBS at my church too and my exact comment was this, "I'm just going to say the thing I shouldn't....I HATE VBS!" Everyone laughed, but I know deep down inside, the totally agree.
Oh it was fun....tiring but oh so fun!! :) Thanks for the heads up of the behind shot you took!! :) LOve yout!
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