So....I know most of you know the news already but, that's not stopping me from blogging about it!
Mom and Dad came in on Sunday afternoon. I had worked all night Saturday night, came home, took a shower and got ready for church service, went to morning service, and then got lunch with Louise (while Dirt went hunting). After lunch Louise went with me to a 31 party. If any of you haven't been to one (***shameless plug***you should!
www.mythirtyone.com/laurie31 :^) we always start the party by doing a "Celebrate, Encourage, and Reward" introduction game. During this game, everyone introduces themselves, and then they say something from their life that they are celebrating, then they say something encouraging to the hostess, and then I reward them with something. Well, I always go first and then I go to whichever sister is there helping me. Obviously, this time it was Louise. She said that the thing in her life that she was celebrating was me getting in A in Statistics (which, believe me, IS worth celebrating!).
Mom and Dad got in town during the party and my Dad dropped my Mom off at the party. We all left straight from there and met Dad, Dirt, Leigh, and Nathan at pm church service. Mom and Dad were down to celebrate Louise's birthday (which was 1/15) so we all went to Jason's Deli from supper with some friends and then went back to Louise's house. After our friends left Louise's, I announced that I was leaving to go home (if you are keeping up here, I have now been up over 24 hours straight). Louise stood up and told me to wait that she wanted to show us all the latest project she had been working on and went to the back.
She came back in and gave me, Leigh, and Mom& Dad all cards. No one thought this out of the ordinary because Louise is always making cards. Cards for family, cards for friends, cards for the sick, cards for prisoners, etc. You can look at the cards above. They were super cute and she came up with them all by herself! I read the card out loud and look up and started asking who these were for and Mom and Leigh jumped up screaming. Then it hit me. Life had just changed for all of us. Kind of a huge moment! I am so super excited, Leigh is so super excited, Louise and Dirt are obviously excited, but my Mom and Dad can't hardly contain themselves! If you aren't their facebook friend, you are REALLY missing out! :)
One day, if the baby ever decides to read this, the rest of the post is from him/her.
Dear My First Niece or Nephew,
I wish that I was eloquent enough with words to put into words how I am feeling right now. The news of your impending birth has been the happiest thing that has happened to this family in a very long time. That is really saying a lot because, as you probably know by now, really happy things happen in this family all the time! Here are a few things to help you navigate your way through this family, that maybe you haven't figured out just yet.
First, we'll start with your Aunt Leigh Leigh. Leigh Leigh is probably your best bet to being "the cool kid", especially if you turn out to be a girl. She is going to be the one who tells you all about the best make up and hair products and the best clothes to wear. This advise will probably differ from your mom's and I, and will probably make your dad cringe (because, inevitably, will be the most expensive make up, hair products, and clothes!), but it will probably be most in line with whatever the fashion guru's of the day are saying. You will always be able to go to her and tell her anything without fear of any judgement. However, take my advise, this is the family member you do not want to cross. Boy or girl, she will chew you up and spit you out. She will love you through it all but, you do not want to learn this for yourself! You will be just like the rest of us and always be glad to have her and will find out that her light shines brightest when you need her.
Next, your Grandma (I know that's not what you are calling her but as of this date, she hasn't picked out her name yet!). Wow. Pretty special lady, huh? Have you ever met someone with a better heart than her? My guess is that she has probably driven you crazy once or twice already but that you also have already learned that she is your biggest fan! Funny thing, she was ALWAYS mine, your Mom's, and Aunt Leigh's biggest fan! There is definitely no way that you could have scored a better Grandma. I know this without ever seeing her in Grandma form because I know for a fact that we couldn't have scored a better Mom. What a lucky kid to get a bake cookies whenever you come to visit, drive hours to cheer on your every game, send presents for every good grade, best hug giver kind of Grandma! Don't ever take this lady for granted, you have no idea how close you came to never knowing her.
I think your Grandpa (the name thing goes here too!) is close to my favorite person ever. I believe that he has been a blessing to SO many over the years and we all have known how great he is with kids. There is no doubt in my mind that he is one of your favorite people ever too. No kid has ever NOT loved him! His biggest fault is that he is always stretched too thin. He tries to give everything to everybody and I have a hunch that, once you get here, he may get a little more focused. He has the special ability to make everybody feel like they are the most important person. The cool thing for you, is that you really will be. Also, if you are a boy (or a girl who loves sports!) he will be your golden ticket! He has played and coached almost every sport and will love nothing more than teaching you! I am sure he is already dreaming about it and planning it!
That brings us to your dad. Your dad has become such an important part of this family that it is hard for me to remember a time before him. I am so glad my sister got a Godly, Christian husband and I am so glad that you got such a Godly, Christian dad. Boy or girl, I can't wait to see the first camos he buys you! The great thing about having him as a dad is that you get so much knowledge about so much! He studies the Bible and will all be there to answer any questions and discuss that will you. He knows so much about guns, hunting, fishing, etc! He and your other Grandpa will definitely be the experts to turn to for those things! Not a lot of experience on this side of the family! He also is SO smart! I know you will always have someone to help you through school because he has helped me so much! There is no doubt in my mind that he will be such a great dad because he has been such a great husband to your mom, such a great brother to us, and such a great son to your other grandparents! They are such great people and did such a good job with him, that he definitely learned well!
I think that leaves us with your mom. You really, really hit the Mom lottery with yours. There has never been a kid that has met your mom that didn't love her. For that matter, I don't think there has ever been ANYONE that has met your mom that didn't love her. We have always picked on her, calling her "the perfect sister" but the truth is she is about as close as they come. Your mom has the biggest heart of anyone I know and does more good than anyone else I know. Even though she is my little sister, I have always looked up to her. I know she is my sister and I love her more than life itself so that takes a little away from this admission, but I honestly think I would believe it even if we weren't related. I don't think that if you could choose from all the women that have ever lived or will ever live who would be your Mom that you could do any better. She is the most Godly woman I have ever known and I pray that you realize what a blessing she is. My mom (your Grandma) was the best, most Godly mom ever and I took her for granted and then almost lost her. If you learn anything from me, I hope that it is not just about Tennessee athletics, family history, or sarcasm, I hope that it is NOT to make the same mistake I did. Don't ever take your mom for granted. I know she is all you have ever known, but she really is the best.
In closing, know that we, along with your great grandparents, great aunts and uncles, and cousins all already love you and have been praying for you since before we knew anything about you. I am sure that by now we are great friends and I think you hung the moon but, I know from experience, there is something great about knowing that people, not only will always be there for you no matter what, but have loved you and have been praying for you since before you were even born! Knowing what you are made of, I know you are the greatest kid ever and even though I haven't met you yet, and in fact only found out about you earlier this week, thanks for coming in and making the greatest family ever even better. I definitely love you kid!